Woman driving a convertible and smiling

Insurance Discounts

By the Mercury Team

Auto Insurance Discounts

How to Save on Auto Insurance.

Good driving habits matter! If you have not had any moving violations or accidents for the past three years it can pay to shop around for the lowest rates - you may be able to reduce your premium substantially.

Another way to save money on premiums is by asking your agent about available discounts which can reduce the cost of your auto insurance significantly.

The annual premium you pay for your auto insurance will not be the same as your neighbors—auto insurance coverage rates depend upon many factors and their variables. Discounts also vary by state. Here are some factors that can impact your insurance premium:

As an insurance professional, your agent can identify additional factors beyond the list above that may lower your premium. Be prepared to discuss your driving history and vehicle use so your agency can work with you to obtain the best coverage for your needs. For example:

  • How many miles your vehicle is driven annually.
  • Compare the premium impact of increasing your comprehensive or collision insurance deductible if you have the cash available to pay a larger out-of-pocket amount in the event of an accident.
  • Evaluate dropping collision or comprehensive coverage if the value of your vehicle is low, especially if it is worth close to or less than your deductible.

If you are considering purchasing or leasing a new auto, discuss your plans ahead of time with your insurance agent. He or she can check the safety ratings of the vehicle, which will often impact your premium. In addition, some or all of these factors may affect your premium favorably: better than average vehicle safety record, unpopularity among auto thieves, and addition of anti-theft devices.

Mercury Team

The Mercury Marketing Team is made up of professionals in the fields of Content Creation, Public Relations and Social Media. The team works together to deliver professionally written and researched content to provide information for consumers.

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