Blue Ford Fiesta hatchback

Top 10 Most Affordable ‘Green’ Vehicles to Insure

By the Mercury Team

More than 16 million new vehicles will be sold in the U.S. this year, and many car shoppers are considering an environmentally friendly vehicle – all-electric, hydrogen, hybrids, partial zero emission and ultra-low emissions vehicles. These shoppers are taking into account not only how the vehicle they drive helps the planet, but also how it impacts their wallets, too. And this decision could be a costly one if you don’t shop around. Rates for these vehicles can vary quite dramatically, so it’s important to choose wisely because certain companies offer much lower rates than others. For example, Mercury Insurance was recently recognized by Nerdwallet as the least expensive insurance option for electric car owners in California.

And, building on its green-car-friendly reputation, Mercury Insurance has compiled a list of the 10 most affordable cars to insure for environmentally conscious consumers. Using Green Cars 2016 directory of vehicles leaving the smallest environmental tread mark on the world, Mercury’s research and development team examined the top 200 make/model combinations to find the most affordable vehicles to insure. The list was created based on Mercury’s price for full coverage – liability, comprehensive and collision – in California.

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Mercury Team

The Mercury Marketing Team is made up of professionals in the fields of Content Creation, Public Relations and Social Media. The team works together to deliver professionally written and researched content to provide information for consumers.

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