Missing shingles on roof due to storm damage.

How Your Roof Affects Your Home Insurance

By the Mercury Team

As a homeowner, you may wonder how to prepare for El Niño and its unpredictable weather patterns. One way you can stay ahead of the curve is by inspecting and updating your roof, your home’s primary protection against the elements. Given its importance, it shouldn’t be surprising that your roof’s type and condition can significantly affect your home insurance premiums and coverage. In this blog, we’ll explore how and why your roof influences your insurance.

The Role of the Roof in Home Insurance

Does homeowners insurance cover a roof replacement? Most policies under the dwelling coverage section will pay to repair or replace your roof if the damage results from a covered loss, such as fire, hail, heavy winds, or another peril. However, your homeowners insurance provider may closely examine your roof’s condition before offering or continuing home insurance coverage.

When determining your insurance coverage and costs, providers often consider four factors: your roof’s age, materials, condition, and shape.

Types of Roofing Materials

Some roofing materials withstand environmental impact better than others, so whatever makes up your roof could affect your insurance rates. Here are some of the most common types of roofing materials:

  • Slate: This material is low maintenance and resistant to fire, heavy winds, rot, and insects. However, it’s heavy, vulnerable to hail, and expensive to replace, which could increase your insurance premiums.
  • Metal: This durable reflects sunlight and is resistant to fire, rot, and insects. However, it’s susceptible to hail and can be costly to install.
  • Asphalt: This material is affordable and can be installed on an existing roof, but it’s vulnerable to rot, decay, and removal.
  • Tile: Tile roofing — both clay and concrete — is extremely long-lasting and low-maintenance. However, installing and replacing is expensive, which may increase your insurance rates.
  • Wood: If you live in an old house, your roof might be wood. While wood is wind-resistant and energy-efficient, it’s the least fire-resistant material, so your provider may charge you a higher premium or refuse to insure your roof at all.

Each material has pros and cons, so you should talk with your agent for guidance on the best roof types for insurance savings.

Factors That Impact Roof Coverage


You may ask yourself, “Will a new roof lower my homeowners insurance?” Generally, your homeowners insurance might cost less if you build a newer roof from durable materials — e.g., slate or metal — since it offers better protection against extreme weather, leaks, mold, and pest problems.

On the other hand, if your roof is over 20 years old, you may receive limited to no coverage since many insurers consider an old roof a liability. Some insurers may only provide the actual cash value of the roof, so you would have to pay the remaining out of pocket.


As mentioned earlier, homeowners insurance usually covers repairing or replacing your roof caused by a covered loss — e.g., fire, heavy winds, hail. However, most homeowners policies won’t repair or replace your roof if it’s deteriorating due to wear and tear or neglected maintenance.


Your roof’s shape can also influence your homeowners insurance rate because different designs affect their susceptibility to damage. Here are the most common types of roof shapes:

  • Gable: These roofs resemble an upside-down V. While these roofs are affordable and effective at shedding moisture, they’re prone to wind damage, so they may result in a higher insurance rate.
  • Hip-style: These roofs usually have four sides and cost more to build. However, they provide great wind resistance, which may help lower your insurance premium.
  • Flat: Flat roofs aren’t as common because water can accumulate on the flat surface and cause damage. They also have a much shorter lifespan than gable or hip-style roofs.

Tips for Roof Maintenance

Roof maintenance is one of the best home improvements to lower insurance, especially as it ages each year. Remember, insurers usually won’t cover roof damage caused by wear and tear or negligence, so keeping it in good condition can help minimize out-of-pocket costs. Here are some tips to consider when thinking about roof maintenance:

  • Get a roof inspection: Getting a roof inspection every few years can help catch issues before they turn into bigger, more expensive problems.
  • Clear away debris: Remove any objects that land on your roof because they may cause it to deteriorate.
  • Replace worn shingles: Damaged shingles are more prone to water damage and leaking.
  • Document your roof’s status: When filing a claim, having before and after pictures can help accurately depict the severity of roof damage.
  • Contact your insurer when renovating: You may receive discounted homeowners insurance when upgrading your roof.

How Often Should You Replace Your Roof?

Replacing your roof isn’t something you need to do often, but it’s good to know when the time might be right. For example, if you have an asphalt shingle roof, which is pretty common, you can expect it to last about 20 to 25 years. Metal roofs last for 40 to 70 years, and sturdy clay or concrete tile roofs might last over 50 years. However, extreme weather conditions, such as heavy storms or intense sunlight, can shorten a roof’s lifespan. Regular check-ups and a little maintenance can help keep it in good shape, but if you start noticing leaks or serious damage, it might be time to consider a replacement.


Your roof is pivotal in determining your homeowners insurance coverage and premiums. Keeping it in top condition and choosing durable materials can save you money in the long run and protect your home, especially during El Niño. You might wonder, “How much will a new roof lower my homeowners insurance?” There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, so if you want a better idea, talk with your local agent at Mercury Insurance. They can help determine what you can do with your roof to help you save money and protect your home.

Contact us for a fast, free quote today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can My Home Insurance Company Require Me To Replace My Roof?

Yes, they can. Insurance companies want to minimize risks, and a worn-out roof can increase the chances of a claim. If your roof is in rough shape or getting close to the end of its lifespan, your insurance provider might ask you to replace it before they renew your policy. Sometimes, they might still offer coverage but exclude any damage related to the roof until it’s fixed.

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Roof Leaks?

Yes, but it depends on what caused the leaks. If the leak is due to a sudden, unexpected event like a storm, falling tree, or other accidents, your insurance will usually help cover the repairs. However, if the leak is due to wear and tear, lack of maintenance, or an aging roof, your policy may not cover it.

Can I Get Homeowners Insurance With A Bad Roof?

It can be challenging. Insurance companies are cautious about insuring homes with roofs that are old, damaged, or in poor condition because they pose a higher risk for claims. Some insurers might offer you a policy but with exclusions for roof-related damage, or they may charge you a higher premium. In some cases, the insurance company may require you to repair or replace the roof before they’ll provide coverage.

Does Getting A New Roof Lower Home Insurance?

Yes, it can. A strong, new roof better protects your home against various risks, which means you’re less likely to file a claim. Because of this, many insurers offer discounts or lower rates.

Mercury Team

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