Photograph of a winding road sign

How Well Do You Know U.S. Road Signs and Meanings? Take the Quiz

By the Mercury Team

You know that octagon-shaped red sign with the word “STOP” written on it? It’s one of the signs with the easiest meaning to remember. Yet, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that in one year alone, more than 13,000 vehicles were involved in fatal crashes at stop signs. Drivers’ failure to yield and stop caused many of these accidents.

Stop signs are just one of many signs on the road that inform, warn and keep drivers safe, making them vital elements on drivers’ daily commutes. Because of this, many of the multiple-choice test questions for driver’s permit tests include signs we see every day, like stop signs, school zone signs and yield signs. If you had to retake your DMV written test again today, would you pass? Test your skills with the quiz below.

How’d you score? Share your quiz results with a friend and try part 2 of our road signs quiz.

Remember, informed drivers mean safer roads. Brush up on your signs and signals to make everyone’s commute safer.


U.S. department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration

NHTSA Report: Vehicle-Based Countermeasures For Signal and Stop Sign... 

New York DMV Internet Office

Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation

Mercury Team

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